Betrayers: Just the word probably makes your stomach tighten. Nothing good can be said of betrayal, or of one who betrays. That’s why Jesus’ words to his disciples are hard to hear, but good to hear. A patient who is sick may not like an unhappy diagnosis, but without it he’ll never get the right treatment and get better. Jesus is the best doctor ever. He’s honest about our malady, but only so that he can heal. In the songs you’ll sing today and Word you’ll hear, listen for Jesus’ words of your malady, but keep listening for Jesus’ sweet words of your healing. Welcome to church!
Everything so far in the Gospel of Mark has been leading up to the death of Jesus. This weekend we come to the beginning of what many call the Passion of the Christ. Mark puts two people who knew Jesus in front of us, and we can learn from both. One shows us how it’s possible to know Jesus and not change. The other is totally changed and shows us how our greatest value is in Jesus. Let that make all the difference in the world to you. We’re glad you’re with us today and pray for the Spirit to bless your worship.
Have you become numb to the warnings that surround you? Do you panic when the gas light comes on, or do you see how far the fumes can really get you? How about weather warnings? Are you one who heeds the warning, shelters, and waits for the all clear, or do you dismiss the weather center's warnings as little more important than that gas light from before? We receive so many warnings that sometimes we become numb or apathetic, not realizing the severity of the situation. Today we learn from Jesus the importance of heeding his warning and to keep watch!
You only live once? How about twice? YOLO is catchier than YOLT, but it's not as accurate. According to Jesus, you only live twice. In Mark 13, Jesus gives his disciples some hard words about the future. It's worth putting up with the distress—not because living once is worthless, but because living twice is infinitely and eternally better. We’re glad you’ve joined us today because, if there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s this: when Jesus makes a promise it’s worth taking him up on it!