Probably the last subject anyone wants to bring up at a family picnic or company outing
is . . . wait for it . . . SIN. Yeah, probably not going to happen. So why does God bring it up? For the same reason he reveals anything to us: for our benefit. Today, benefit from God's revelation in Psalm 32—one of the seven "penitential psalms." Sin is real, but there's a treatment for it and an antidote to it that makes it not only possible but a welcome subject to discuss. May God bless your worship today.
Do you like multiple-choice tests? Or do you often find it difficult to choose one best answer? Here's the trouble with making one choice—the other options go away. And we don't like that. There's something good about that other option, whether it’s a test answer, a job offer, a romantic interest, etc. But finally, you have to make one choice. So did David. The Spirit inspired him to write in Psalm 27 about One Thing he wanted more than anything else. Read Psalm 27 this week, pray it, repeat it, and think about it. Then come together with the people of God at St. Andrew to grow into the person God is calling you to be and to see the one thing you need and get it.
Sign up to receive 250-word devotions this week, Monday – Friday, on Psalm 27 at
You drive the same route to work every day. Then one day you notice a building or sign you’ve never seen before. It’s been there for years, but you’ve gotten so used to it you didn’t even notice it. Worship can be like that. The “Old, Old Story,” as the hymn goes, can become just the old story. Psalm 147 calls us to worship actively and meaningfully. May God bless you through his Word today.
Sign up to receive 250-word devotions this week, Monday – Friday, on Psalm 147 at
What gets you down? It's ok to admit it, even “glass-half-full” people get down. Even spiritual giants get down. Psalm 42 and 43 form a single message from God. They help us understand the condition of being downcast, how it happens, and what can help. You haven’t come to a therapist’s couch, but to the living God who delivers the downcast. You say you feel like you’re on top of the world and don’t need that? Good for you. Just wait. The Spirit who delivered the words of these two psalms is delighted you’re receiving his truth for today and for the future.