Throughout Scripture we see God giving and God taking. In the Garden of Eden, God gave the promise of the Savior to Adam and Eve, and he took away their guilt that they brought on themselves. Or consider David. On the one hand, God gave him the role as the king of the Israelites. On the other hand, after the prophet Nathan rebuked him for his sin with Bathsheba, Nathan said, “The Lord has taken away your sin. You are not going to die” (2 Samuel 12:13). There is also a divine giving and taking after the resurrection. Today, the apostle John helps us see that Jesus’ triumph over sin, death, and the devil takes away our fear and gives us confidence.
Celebrate Jesus' death and resurrection with us from the points of view of those who were there.
Celebrate Jesus' death and resurrection with us from the points of view of those who were there.
A Maundy Thursday devotion by Pastor Randy Hunter
Movies and plays aren't just about the stars. Bit players sometimes play big roles. Someone who appears to play a minor role on Palm Sunday can help us in a major way. We’re glad you joined God’s people reading the account of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on the first Palm Sunday (Luke 19:28-44) and waving palm branches to celebrate our Savior.
The big news in the news this past week had to do with billionaire actors slapping each other over golden trophies they hand out once a year. The people who buy tickets to their movies and make them billionaires are more, well, ordinary. Paul met billionaire types in Athens. He met ordinary people in Corinth. This week we'll also meet them in Acts 18. God accomplishes his purposes through ordinary people whose trust in Jesus causes them to change their plans for their lives. Sounds like something we can learn from, since most of us (all of us) are ordinary people.