Power can work in opposite ways. Computers are described as powerful when they can handle intensive processes to create useful content. But a storm that destroys everything in its path might earn the same description: powerful. Which direction does God’s power go? How does it affect you and others around you?
With all the things going on in our world and in our lives, can pride really be that much of a problem? In a way, no. There’s a biblical kind of pride. But there’s also a ruinous kind of pride. Today, the Spirit will show us the difference between them through the inspired record of
Daniel 4. Today we also celebrate the Festival of Transfiguration. On a hill outside Jerusalem, Jesus demonstrated that of all the people on earth, he was the one who could be proud! But instead, he went on to humble himself to death on a cross. May the Spirit bless you as you encounter the Son of God in our worship today.
The three men in the fiery furnace is one of the most familiar Old Testament stories. You can read it in Daniel 3. But don't misread it. The Lord didn't promise them and he hasn't promised you that he will deliver you from every fire in this life. He may or he may not give you promotion and prosperity. But he has promised you the gift of eternal life and glory far beyond anything this world can offer. The three men in the story ended up in the furnace because they believed that and were willing to risk their lives for it. You can, too, even if you never have to risk your life for it.
You are in many groups. Some of them are just facts. You can’t change your blood type or your eye color. You are in other groups by choice. You decided your hobbies. You joined particular social circles. Life has a lot of room for overlap, but when these groups clash, which is the most important? Daniel 2:24-49, the description and interpretation of Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, identifies the most important group to be part of.