How do you respond when someone gives you a gift? Do you ask, "Where did you get that? Where did it come from? Where did you buy it? How did you buy it?" Or do you just enjoy it? God has given you a gift that by faith in Jesus you can enjoy. Don't get tripped up in asking questions to which you may not be capable of knowing the answers. The best response is, "Thank you. You must love me." That’s not a bad description of worship. We receive his gift of grace and say thank you. We’re glad you joined us to do both today.
We love security. We must. We have security systems, security alarms, and security dogs. We talk about national security. We want secure jobs. We diversify our financial resources for security. We put some of our money in securities because we aren’t sure social security is all that secure. We buy deodorant, mouthwash, and odor eaters to feel more secure. Have you seen the Peanuts cartoon that shows Linus holding his security blanket saying, “Only one yard of flannel stands between me and a nervous breakdown.” What about security with God? In his Word, he tells you he wants you to be confident of your relationship with him. You can be sure where you stand with him today, next week, and on your last day. How? We’re glad you joined us for God’s answers in Romans 8. Welcome!
A single acorn has within it the power to create a huge oak tree which will then have the power to produce thousands of oak trees, each producing thousands more acorns. In other words, a single acorn has the power to cover the entire earth with wood. But that acorn's potential will never be released unless it goes into the ground and is buried. The Bible constantly talks about that. Unless you're broken of your self-sufficiency and humbled and go into the soil of suffering and weakness, you'll never be strong. Without death, there is no resurrection. You have the potential for greatness, joy, hope, and character; but first, suffering. That's the message of Romans 8. We’re glad you’re with us acorns in Christ today and invite you to come again. If we can answer any questions or serve you, please let us know via the Connection Card you received.
This weekend, we continue the powerful chapter of Romans 8. In verses 5-17, the apostle Paul emphasizes the dichotomy between the sinful nature and the Spirit. Which controls you? How? Why?