Have you ever joked about your birthday "week?" Let the celebration continue all week long. Maybe even call it your birthday month! When it comes to Easter, it's no joke. Jesus' resurrection gives us something to celebrate every day. But, like your birthday, we set aside one day a week to have cake and light candles. Okay, so we don’t have cake today, but we do light candles. We’re glad you’re part of our continuing celebration of Jesus’ resurrection today. He is risen! He is risen, indeed!
A message of hope, purpose, and life based on Mark 16:1-8 by Pastor Randy Hunter.
A devotion based on Mark 15:33-39 by Pastor Randy Hunter
A devotion based on Mark 14:12-26 by Pastor Kelly Huet
What do you learn from Jesus' triumphant entry on Palm Sunday? What details fascinate you? What questions do you have? This weekend as we celebrate Palm Sunday, we are confronted with two radically different reactions to Jesus. As we witness the various reactions, we are confronted with our own reactions to Jesus.
Shakespeare wrote in The Tempest, "Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows." Today a common extension of that is "politics makes strange bedfellows," meaning politicians form peculiar associations to win more votes. In Mark's record of Jesus' burial we find a most unusual association: a pagan, women and a Pharisee. What is it about Jesus that draws together people who would otherwise never hang out together (like the one you’re sitting in now)? Let Mark's record help you answer that. We have three weeks left in our year and a half study of the Gospel of Mark. To get daily devotions on these culminating crucifixion and resurrection accounts, sign up at st-andrew-online.org/mark.