Salvation prepared for all people
It was in the midst of a worldwide census, political and social upheavals, and the din of Temple worship that the Lord of creation quietly entered his Temple. There was no fanfare or ceremony. He entered humbly, carried by his teenage mother and unnoticed by all except one who had been waiting. We hear the words of the only one to notice the LORD of Glory entering his Temple, who announces peace and salvation for all.
To receive 250-word devotions on “The World’s Greatest ADVENTure: The Promotion” this week, Monday – Friday, go to
We pray you enjoy the sights, food, family, and gifts of this season. They’re gifts from God. But there’s more, infinitely more, to enjoy. The Baby in the manger grew up to be, as Isaiah the prophet described him, The Suffering Servant. His suffering isn’t incongruous with Christmas. His suffering makes Christmas deeper, more meaningful, and longer lasting. May God bless you with such a celebration tonight and every day.
Crossword fans, what's an eight-letter word for something that is heavier than heaven and earth combined? How about, Immanuel? Isaiah called Jesus, “Immanuel, God with us.” Our ADVENTure continues this week. Let the Creator God of the universe impress you with what it meant for him to become a human being and what it means for you to follow him now and await his return in the future.
To receive 250-word devotions on “The World’s Greatest ADVENTure: The Prophecies” this week, Monday – Friday, go to
Where would you go if you knew it was safe and would be all you hoped for? What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail? Questions like those might churn up our brains, but, of course, they're unrealistic. We can't get rid of doubt. Or can we? Let the Lord's words to our spiritual father, Abraham, help you face the reality of your doubts with the confidence only the Lord can provide. The ADVENTuresome place for him was the promised land. Your ADVENTuresome place is right where you are.
To receive 250-word devotions on “The World’s Greatest ADVENTure: The Promised Land” this week, Monday – Friday, go to
God met Abraham and told him to get out. Get up and go. He sent him and his family on an adventure that involved great risk but on account of which we would receive great blessing. Meeting God changes us into people of mission, willing to leave what is comfortable in order to love and serve others with what is necessary. Here's your great adventure: because God risked coming to earth through Abraham's offspring, you are called to take a risk and bless others. God calls you his child and calls you to follow him and bless others.
To receive 250-word devotions on “The World’s Greatest ADVENTure: The People of the Promise” this week, Monday – Friday, go to