"Adversity assails us with hurricane force," has been attributed to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. That was true for him, and it was true for an earlier Dr. Martin Luther who wrote, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God." A fortress will outlast a hurricane. So where do you turn when adversity assails you? For millennia, God's people have turned to the inspired words of Psalm 121. We’re glad you’re with us today to find in it our mighty fortress.
All rights reserved. Music used by permission under CCLI #1600166, OneLicense #A-709447, and Worshipflow.com. Pre-service music all rights reserved by Koine (koinemusic.com) & Michael Schroeder. Video used by permission from Sermonspice.
What's the difference between a medication and a placebo? A placebo has no real power; it's only effective because it's believed in. Medicine, on the other hand, has real power and can help you whether you believe in it or not. "Ah," some might say. "I see where you're going: some religions are real, and some are placebo." Not at all. Some religions are real medicine and will heal you, some are poisonous and will kill you, but no religion works because it's believed in. Believe in the revelation God has given us in his Word because it's true, but don't imagine it's only true because you believe in it. One purpose of the book of Ecclesiastes is to show us that it's foolish to imagine this life is all there is—that your belief in God only works because you think it does. Then life is meaningless. But another purpose of the book of Ecclesiastes is to point us to a heavenly solution: wisdom from above. May the Spirit who inspired it bless you through it today.
Solomon's Song of Songs 8:5-7 continues to describe the love of a man and a woman, but we can learn from some of its details about the love of God for his bride, the church. Marvel at the intense love of God that surpasses even the amazing love of a committed married couple.
What can we make of all the inequities of life? Does hard work pay off? How can we find satisfaction in life? Why does King Solomon seem to promote the Epicurean philosophy of "eat, drink, and be merry"? Let’s pursue godly wisdom and a meaningful life today and throughout our lives.
Knowledge is one thing; wisdom is another. Wisdom is the ability to take what you know and translate it into how you live. You can find Part 1 of Sex in the Bible on our website under worship/past sermons/September 10. The text was from the Song of Songs. Today the Spirit speaks to us through words he inspired in the Book of Proverbs. The main message of the Bible, and every book in it, is the salvation God freely gives through Jesus. But throughout the Bible he helps us apply that knowledge to every area of our lives, including our sexuality.