Today we begin our Holy Week journey to the cross and empty tomb. Jesus' passion begins with his ride into Jerusalem. As Jesus makes his triumphant entry, he teaches us about his heart for worship, which is then reflected in our worship of him.
A Lenten devotion by Staff Minister for Nurture Mark Kjenstad
I love my home. I love the ocean. I love my spouse. People use the word love for all kinds of things; sure, they're all loves. But what distinguishes Christian love? How do you know you know Christ's love? John gets us to the answer. Enjoy your time today with brothers and sisters; together we’re becoming more convinced of Christ's love and more able to love as he did.
To receive 250-word devotions on 1 John 3:11-18 this week, Monday – Friday, go to
This week the apostle John by God's direction starts getting into some deeply personal and introspective concepts that at the core ask, “Where do you find your identity?” You likely can offer a quick response, but John helps us see our need to confront and acknowledge where we've allowed our identity to slip, that we might fully live and abide with God.
To receive 250-word devotions on 1 John 3:4-10 this week, Monday – Friday, go to
A Lenten devotion by Pastor Kelly Huet.
Have you ever watched a dog chase a car and wondered, “What would he do if he caught it?” You know what he’d do. Nothing. He’d just walk away and go chasing after another car. Does your life ever feel that way to you? We chase after things or the next stage of life and either they elude us or they don’t satisfy us. Let the Spirit’s words through John show you a way off the hamster wheel. We’re glad you’re here to meet God in his Word and worship today.
To receive 250-word devotions on 1 John 2:28-3:3 this week, Monday – Friday, go to
A Lenten devotion by Pastor Steve Soukup from St. Andrew Lutheran Church