Some first-generation GPS units proudly announced when you pulled up to your destination, "You've arrived." Who doesn't like to hear, "You've arrived. You've made it. You've done it." Seldom, though, does it apply to bigger things in life. You're the best golfer you can be—"You've arrived?" Hardly. You've mastered a subject so well there's nothing left for you to learn? Keep dreaming. You're the perfect spouse—"You've arrived." That's funny. What about this one: "Live in order to please God." The Spirit inspired Paul to encourage Christians to do this "more and more." In a way, your Christian life is complete—you've arrived. Christ has accomplished his mission for you. It is finished. But in another way, such a gift moves us to want to thank him more and more. Enjoy the gift of God's grace—because you've arrived. Strive to please him more and more—because you haven't yet arrived. That’s life in the family of God.