It's easy to look at the downward spiral of marginalized people, violence, immorality, and disinterest in God and become cynical. In more honest moments we look in the mirror and don't see much improvement. We aren't pillars of virtue either. But Christ Jesus gives us hope. The hope he gives isn't wishful thinking that things will get better or even that we'll get better. The hope he gives is rooted in what he came to do on the very first Christmas: to forgive every sin. He kept his promise to come to earth in Bethlehem, and he will keep his promise to come again and destroy everything that is wrong with his creation. That day will bring nothing but terror for those who look for hope only in this world. But for us who find our hope in being wrapped in Christ's righteousness, that day will bring nothing but joy. Welcome to Advent. We’re glad you’re here to worship with us the One who gives us the light of hope.