Every book of the Bible is about Jesus. Although some Bibles title the fifth book of the New Testament "The Acts of the Apostles," it's still about Jesus. Today we begin our study of that book, Acts. We're not going to study it as just scholars, but we're going to study it also as soldiers. Scholars and soldiers tend to be the ones who study history the most. Scholars tend to look at what people used to do; soldiers tend to look for what remains to be done. One is for information, the other is for mission. We will study the Book of Acts for both. Pick up your copy of the Acts Study Booklet before worship today. It's a way for us to consider a recent translation, the English Heritage Version, and a place for us to write notes, questions, prayers, etc. Like the grace of God, it's yours to keep. Also like the grace of God, it's free because someone else paid for it. If you’re a guest, this booklet is our gift to you, too.