Have you ever confided in someone about a worry and he or she responded, "That'll never happen. Don't worry." Oh really? Unless that person was God, how can he or she know that a car won't roll off that car-carrier ahead of you and crash into you? Or for you spring-breakers who escaped to a warm beach, that a shark won't venture into shallow waters and gobble you up? Or that your portfolio could shrink to half its current value? Or . . . or . . . or . . . "Don't worry. that will never happen," might be the best response some can offer, but it's shallow. Or how about this: "Sure, that could happen. In fact, most of the things we worry about could happen." Where's the comfort in that? God's message in Daniel 10 is, "Sure it could happen, but redirect your fear to something and someone even more terrifying—and to something and someone even more trustworthy. Welcome to God’s house and God’s people where together we untangle God's beautiful and helpful truth.